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    Odometry errors with ardumower-1.0a4-Azurit

    Hi all! I try fix problem with odo settings with my TC-converted. Actually I used all cheep components I got, for my TC-converted2, and finally I put in correct operation both of my Ardumowers (TC-converted1 & TC-converted2). I made butterfly(4 ticks) encoder and put it on the end of the...
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    Odometrie / IMU

    Hi! Maybe it is not good place, but I can only put correct grammar in English. So check on English side. Casper, the friendly ghost
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    Perimeter wire sections

    Hi all. I just want to share idea, I just done with it. Because of difficult and dynamic terrain with high slopes, around my house, I have to do something, to maximize mowing effect, since after few hours of mowing, my robot left behind grass that looks like a cow pasture. A pretty big terrain...
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    Bumper enabled but..

    OK! This is video for bumper test. Reaction of bumpers is same as changing state for other occasions, like loop crossing, sonar trigger, motor overload etc. Like I understand this, it is default by robot.cpp to ensure motors not running any more, before changing...
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    Setting mowing states and mower patterns

    Hi all! After 2 months of hard working, I finally build up the ardumower, and tested it. Every system works. I did use a RC mode, and tested it as well. I put in a FlySky 6 channel receiver, and for now, I'm able to use 3 channels for mowing,(steering, speed, mow,) and one for user switch. (I...
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    Coil position for wire detection

    Hi! As I saw on same Wiki site, and on video the specific problem for right angel becomes with two coils, at 45 degree. The latest system with one coil, looks solwed this issue. see this video from Alexander. Caspy
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    Hi! I just try to find a stickers with Ardumower(shop) logo. I like this project, and would like to contribute, on the way I know the best ;) Other things I'm wiling to learn as well, but I'm short in German.... :(
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    Bumper enabled but..

    Hi all... I just finished assembling hardware, and wanted to test it without any other sensors but bumper. Is there a catch, or what? I did enabled it in mower.cpp, also on pfodApp Counter counts the button trigger, but no effect on mowing direction. Please help. Grass is already grown!..