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    Hi, Is the PCB really needed if you use the Sensor board for the Mega? What purpose does the PCB have and what does it give that the sensorboard does not give? Im not bulding a complete Ardumower atm, but combining a couple of projects. What main difference does the Ardumower mini have from the...
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    Perimeter values

    Hi, I have made a small loop inside (about 5 meters long), in series I got a 22ohm resistor and powering it with 5V. I used an Arduino UNO and a L298N stand alone shield. I have connected IN1, IN2 and enable to the corresponding pins mentioned in the code. Everything seems to be working. On...
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    Perimeter sender

    Hi, Can someone please tell me what parts I need to buy from the shop to get a complete perimeter sender? I know this one: But which modules do I need to buy to make it complete as in the pictures on the above...