Aktueller Inhalt von sandy d

  1. sandy d

    RTC and I2C errors

    As in previous posts I am slowly finishing Azuritber with a PCB 1.3, ESP32 and good connection to the ardumower on PFOD bluuetooth. The only problem has been the RTC. I have tried several modules DS1307 and DS3231, and checked they can write and read clock and EPEROM to the DUE with the usual...
  2. sandy d

    Buying IMU for AzuritBer

    Maybe the best option - but it did not work! Are their other RTC modules with EEPROM that would work? Is there any other way to test the eeprom in the RTC The rest of the mower seems Ok.
  3. sandy d

    Still working on an Ardumower using AzitBer. I am based In New Zealand, any kiwi contacts out there?

    Still working on an Ardumower using AzitBer. I am based In New Zealand, any kiwi contacts out there?
  4. sandy d

    Buying IMU for AzuritBer

    Thanks Benhard - excellent advice which I have now followed. The I2C bus now works and the IMU and compass are connected fine. I have the the ESP32 delivering a reliable bluetooth connection to PFOD, and the RFID reader is detecting cards well. But I am still fighting the RTC data error and...
  5. sandy d

    Buying IMU for AzuritBer

    It is usually the little details that I overlook.. Like the right firmware, which certainly fixes the problem above! What a obvious mistake. My thanks. So now I latest Azitber, PCB 1.3, Due (of course), ESP32 and RFID (ESP32 bluetooth seems to be working), RTC working (checked with a Uno)...
  6. sandy d

    Buying IMU for AzuritBer

    I am using GY-521 (MPU 6050) and the compass board GY-273 but I do not know how to set this up in the AzitBer software. I amusing PCB 1.3 I am confident about the hardware connections.... // ------- Choose IMU BOARD (GY801 is recommended) --------------------------- #define IMU_GY801 //#define...