Aktueller Inhalt von maxbki@orange_fr

  1. M

    Latest schematics and question to charging

    Hi Alex pinChargeVoltage tell you if the mower is in the station or not. Please read the PCB jumper section in http://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=Ardumower_PCB to know what you need (or not) if you want to use an external charger.
  2. M

    Intecno gear motor (Ambrogio L300) Hall sensor

    Hi I have an Ambrogio L200 and my motors seems to be the same as yours. Yes, 3 wires mean: 2 for power up the hall effect sensor and one for a single signal (yellow). you need to add a pull up resistor between red and yellow. I use a 10k resistor. Yes, wheel motor from the shop have 2 Hall...
  3. M

    Hilfe bei der Software

    @Durinke ardumower mega shield V1.00 schematic from http://www.ardumower.de/index.php/en/downloads/viewcategory/9-ardumower-pcb could help you.
  4. M

    Virtuelle Wände

    I am sorry for you to say that but I also use original L200 receiver... There are only 3 signals. One is for init (reset) to the receiver, one is the ready state from the receiver, and one pin is in/out signal. Gerhard from Robi2Mow help me by giving give me this pinout. I just have to read a...
  5. M

    Software-Modellierung, UML-Klassendiagramme usw.

    @stephan You need to use "Odometry support for "1 way" encoder" that i have share in issue 7 if you have only one way encoder. That will fix your odometry problem. https://code.google.com/p/ardumower/issues/detail?id=7 You also need to use setMC33926 that i have share in issue 2 if you use...
  6. M


    Hi @Dietmar You can take a look at this mod: http://www.robi2mow.at/ambrogio-l200-evolution/ambro-tuning/162-ambrogio-antriebsraeder-tuning http://www.robi2mow.at/ambrogio/206-patricks-neue-ambrogio-l200-reifen
  7. M

    monitoring power for obstacle detection?

    Hi Can someone explain to me why motor power is used for obstacle detection instead of motor current? Thanks.